Monday, July 11, 2011


A bit about me:
My name is Andy George, or Jorge, or Georgie, or Mr. George
I was/am a Geotechnical Engineer and graduated from Gonzaga in 2005 with a B.S in Civil Engineering and from Oregon State in 2007 with an M.Eng in Civil Engineering.
My Endorsement is Advanced Mathematics and hopefully will be adding Physics also.
My Favorite Food is really anything I don't have to cook (no mushrooms)
I just finished my first Ironman!
I'm somewhere in that mix of 2700 people
I hiccup ALOT.
My Favorite animal is a flying squirel because they can fly and climb trees, and are amazingly cute!


  1. I love how linear your post and your backdrop is- very Andy. Though, I am sad you dislike mushrooms. You should post some pictures from Ironman on your blog, if you have any. I feel like this project is a good way to get to better know our classmates while learning about technology. Nice sites! I should post some Youtube videos.

  2. Andy-

    I am very curious about why you're opting for teacher (not disparaging it) with your background in civil engineering -- would love to hear more of the story of the journey from that series of degrees to wanting to teach.

    nice opening post.

  3. Shawn,
    I think I knew during my undergrad studies that I wasn't cut out to be an engineer but was in a bit of denial. Most of my friends were business majors and while I did OK in my engineering classes, I never got excited about them (with the exception of my two soils classes, hence the masters in it)

    Once I began working as an engineer I really missed the sense of community I had in school, particularly in high school. The communication and energy I had and felt during high school had been unmatched until this MAT program.

    Our cohort is so varied personally, but so passionate and willing to help each other. I think it is a great model for my future classrooms.
